Air Quality


Air quality is defined as a measure of the condition of air relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species or to any human need or purpose. Air quality indices (AQI) are numbers used by government agencies to characterize the quality of the air at a given location. As the AQI increases, an increasingly large percentage of the population is likely to experience increasingly severe adverse health effects. To compute the AQI requires an air pollutant concentration from a monitor or model. The function used to convert from air pollutant concentration to AQI varies by pollutant, and is different in different countries. Air quality index values are divided into ranges, and each range is assigned a descriptor and a color code. Standardized public health advisories are associated with each AQI range.

Global warming is a serious concern in the developed and developing economies, Saudi Arabia considered to the largest economy in the Middle East has extensive regulations to control the pollutions from manufacturing, process, waste and other pollution sources. Our air quality solutions are specifically addressed to the need of measurements by the instruments and solution we offer, the products we carry are industries best in class, quality, and recognition of required regulatory approvals.

  • Ambient air quality monitoring instruments & solutions
  • Fence-line open path Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) systems
  • Continuous emission monitoring instruments & solutions
  • Stack testing and flue gas monitoring instruments & solutions
  • Particulate monitoring (regulated and non-regulated) instruments & solutions
  • Research grade particle monitoring, sampling, size distribution instruments 
  • Noise (sound) pollution monitoring instruments & solutions
  • Meteorological (Weather Stations/Sensors) monitoring instruments & solutions
  • Upper air meteorological instruments & solutions
  • Toxic gas detection instruments & solutions
  • Oxygen analyzers for process and environmental applications 

GACS Arabia fully support and service the products we represent, we provide annual maintenance services, operation and maintenance services, system audits, product or application development, simple solutions for complex regulatory requirements, turnkey network of stations, fixed/permanent monitoring stations, mobile stations, data collection and reporting services, regulatory compliance solutions, and product trainings
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