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Picture of H2S Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer, Model 101E/102E

H2S Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer, Model 101E/102E

H2S & TRS Analyzers for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring

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The Models 101E/102E provide a dependable, accurate and convenient method of measuring hydrogen sulfide or Total Reduced Sulfur (TRS) in levels commonly required for Ambient Air monitoring, offering ranges from
0-50 ppb to 0-10 ppm. Both analyzers convert sulfur gases to sulfur dioxide and measure concentrations using fluorescence technology.

The M101E is equipped with an internally mounted low temperature converter which  converts H2S at a closely controlled temperature setting of 315 °C, leaving other gases unaffected. The M102E uses a high temperature
converter, mounted externally to the analyzer, and operates at a temperature of 850°C. TRS components (typically, H2S, methyl mercaptan, dimethyldisulfide and methyl-disulfide) are all converted to SO2 at this temperature, with efficiency greater than 98%.

Sample gas drawn into the analyzer first passes through a scrubber which removes all traces of sulfur dioxide. The converter then converts the components of interest to SO2. The resulting concentration for SO2 is then measured by fluorescence. In the basic configuration, the analyzer may be programmed to read H2S concentration (101E) or TRS (102E) only. However, a switching option, showing H2S/TRS and SO2 readings alternately, is available. Cycle times may be adjusted, and each reading is truly independent, having its own calibration slope and offset. A sample and hold circuit provides continual analog outputs for each channel. Calibration is simplified by the optional zero and span valves, which allow direct entry of calibration gases, or the optional permeation tube may be used to provide span checks. The analyzers feature auto zero which
provides excellent zero stability.

  • Standard two year warranty
  • 0-50 ppb to 10 ppm (101E), 0-50 ppb to 10 ppm (102E) ranges, user selectable
  • Microprocessor controlled for versatility
  • Multi-tasking software allows viewing of test variables during operation
  • Auto ranging, dual range and remote range selection
  • Built in self checks and diagnostic capabilities
  • Bi-directional RS232 allows remote reading or operation (optional RS-485 or Ethernet)
  • Digital status outputs provide instrument condition
  • Optional H2S/SO2 or TRS/SO2 switching capability
  • Auto Zero System
  • Adaptive signal filtering optimizes response time
  • Temperature & pressure compensation
  • Optional Calibration valves or permeation oven
  • User friendly operation and set up
  • Internal Zero Span
  • Internal Datalogger
  • Critical Orifices provide flow stability
Ranges:101E: 0 – 50 ppb to 0 – 10 ppm H2S or up to 20 ppm SO2102E: 0 – 50 ppb to 0 – 10 ppm TRS or 20 ppm SO2 (Note: For ranges higher than 0-10 ppm, please
Units:ppb, ppm, mg/m3
Zero noise:0.2 ppb (RMS)
Zero drift: < 0.5 ppb / 24 hrs, 1 ppb / 7 days
Span drift:< 0.5 % full scale / 24 hrs, 1% full scale / 7 days
Lower Detectable Limit (LDL):< 0.4 ppb
Rise and Fall Time:< 120 seconds
Sample flow rate:650 cc/min ±10 %
Linearity:1% of full scale
Converter Temperature:101E: 315°C; 102E: 850°C
Dimensions (HxWxD):7” (178 mm) x 17” (432 mm) x 23.5” (597 mm) for
Weight:101E: 41 lbs (18.3 kg); 102E: 53 lbs (24 kg)
Power:100v, 50/60 Hz (3.25A); 115V, 60 Hz (3.0A):
Analog Outputs: 10V, 5V, 1V, 0.1V, selectable
Current Output:Optional 4-20 mA isolated outputs (select up to 3 channels)
RS-232:Standard, DB-9 connector
Status (Digital): 8 outputs, 6 inputs (opto-isolated), 4 alarm outputs (optional)

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